We will be using Anaconda to provide a Jupyter environment for both R and Python.
Follow the following instructions to install Anaconda from Continuum Analytics. OSX Windows Linux
Once you have the Anaconda Distribution, follow below for advanced configuration.
Windows may often have issues associated with installation if you have had previous versions of Anaconda installed. If it doesn’t work, start by uninstalling everything
If you are a Linux user, please help in supporting the class. You likely won’t need my help. ;) 1. Follow the online instructions to install the Anaconda Distribution with Python 3.6 2. Follow below for advanced configuration.
(a.) Windows users, open an ‘Anaconda Prompt’. Mac/Linux users open a standard terminal.
(b.) Change directories to the techfundamentals-fall2017-materials
folder you cloned earlier.
cd <insert full path >\techfundamentals-fall2017-materials
For the above, changing directories differs for Windows or Mac users. For example, on a Mac it might be:
cd /Users/jasonkuruzovich/githubdesktop/techfundamentals-fall2017-materials
On Windows, if you have a space somewhere in your path make sure that you include quotes:
cd "c:\Users\jasonkuruzovich\github\techfundamentals-fall2017-materials"
(b.) Launch a Jupyter notebook with the command:
jupyter notebook
You will need to run c-d each time to launch Jupyter.
*There may be some packages you still have to install. You will know this is an issue if an import
command fails. You can install packages with:
conda install <packagename>
For example, to install the R Kernal for Jupyter, install the r-essentials package:
conda install r-essentials