Data literacy is a foundational component of a modern technical and scientific education. Critical to creating data literate graduates.
For the Data 8 class, the University of California at Berkley has developed an open [curriculum]() and extensive teaching infrastructure (online textbook, auto-grader, Jupyter-based cloud computing infrastructure for data science) created the worlds largest data science class.
This proposal suggests creating an instance of the Data 8 class @ Rensselaer. All materials for the Data 8 course have been released under a compatible Creative Commons license. »
It’s great to have stories as an outcome of the program. Why not work on something over the break that will create one? Here is a list of a few projects where you could get involved.
Autograding with TravisCI. As part of this class we incorporate tests as a way to see that the the student has completed the assignment. However, there is a risk that students could “fake the tests” and as a result not do the work. »
Autonomous RC Racing @Rensselaer” description = “” weight = 20 +++
Data literacy is a foundational component of a modern technical and scientific education. Critical to creating data literate graduates.
For the Data 8 class, the University of California at Berkley has developed an open [curriculum]() and extensive teaching infrastructure (online textbook, auto-grader, Jupyter-based cloud computing infrastructure for data science) created the worlds largest data science class.
This proposal suggests creating an instance of the Data 8 class @ Rensselaer. »