Welcome to Technology Fundamentals for Business Analytics. We are going to familiarize you with all phases of the data science lifecycle and a wide variety of the technologies used. There is lots to cover so it would be good to do the following prior to the first class
I prefer to use Slack for class. It allows me to be more responsive and track communications. Students have found it useful and continue to use it even after the class.
Version control and reproducibility are important. We will use GitHub classroom to collect all assignments.
In this class we will review the syllabus and discuss the broader issues of data analytics, the approach of the class, and the technologies to be utilized.
As discussed, please work through all of the notebooks in the course materials for session 1. When you log into lab.analyticsdojo.com they are in materials-fa/01-overview. You should specifically try to complete the 03-exercise1. This will be submitted as part of HM01 which will be released Tuesday. I’m still missing a number of github IDs in this spreadsheet. In addition, please always look through the readings for the next session.