Office/Lab Hours

Jason Kuruzovich * Office/Lab Hours: Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 and by appointment
* Office/Lab Location: I’ll hold office hours in the SA lounge for the majority of the time. If it is occupied with a seminar I’ll be in Pittsburgh 4108 (Located in the Severino Center).

This class doesn’t have an official lab section because of graduate student scheduling. As a result, we will use office hours as a secondary “Lab” time for people who are just getting started with technology. Please show up if you are having technical problems or would like more help with step by step instructions.

Lianlian (Dorothy) Jiang (Teaching Assistant) * Office/Lab Hours: Monday 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM and by appointment
* Office/Lab Location: 2226 Pittsburgh.

Please see Dorothy primarily for issues related to grading.